Trainers & Educators

Training Programs 

The BASSC Executive Development Program (EDP) for middle and senior managers in county human service organizations includes an inter-agency project designed to facilitate sharing of promising practices. One of the outcomes of this program is a series of participant case studies examining promising practices related to management, policy implementation and service delivery produced by the program participants.

In partnership with the Bay Area Network of Human Service Agencies (BANNHSA), the Mack Center operated a training program on Managerial Leadership Development Program (MDLP) for middle managers in nonprofit human service organizations from 2010-2014 as a learning lab and produced several articles on training related to becoming a managerbecoming a leader, and promoting organizational change through case study projects.

Andrea and Andrew  in wood-panelled room standing smiling at camera

BASSC EDP Coordinator Andrea DuBrow, right, and Santa Cruz Human Services Staff Development Program Manager Andrew Stewart attend an EDP graduation ceremony

Teaching Cases

An ongoing feature of the work of the Mack Center and BASSC is the development of teaching cases that can be accessed using the links below.

BANNHSA Teaching Cases

Human Service Organizations journal coverHuman Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance Journal(link is external)

Guiding Organizational Change: A Casebook for the Executive Development Program in the Human Services

Teaching Methods

Collections of teaching cases covering a range of practice areas can also be found in:

  • Austin, M.J. (Ed.) (2013). Organizational Histories of Nonprofit Human Service Organizations. Philadelphia, PA: Routledge.
  • Austin, Brody & Packard (Eds.) (2008). Managing the Challenges in Human Service Organizations: A Casebook. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Austin & Hopkins (Eds.) (2004). Supervision as Collaboration in the Human Services: Building a Learning Culture. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Austin (Ed.) (2004) Changing Welfare Services: Case Studies of Local Welfare Reform Programs. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.