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Recent Publications

Title Author Year Publication typesort ascending
The Evolving Relationship Between Public and Nonprofit Sector Human Service Organizations: From Contractual to Partnership Schwartz, S.L. ; Austin, M.J. 2016 Book Chapter
Crossover Services between Child Welfare and Welfare-to-Work Programs Prince, J. ; Austin, M.J. 2004 Book Chapter
Merging a Workforce Investment Board and a Department of Social Services into a County Department of Employment and Human Services Prince, J. ; Austin, M.J. Book Chapter
The Family Loan Program as a Public-Private Partnership Doyle, S. ; Austin, M.J. 2016 Book Chapter
Neighborhood Self-Sufficiency Centers Schmidt, C.M. ; Austin, M.J. 2016 Book Chapter
Hiring TANF Recipients to Work in a County Human Services Agency Deichert, K. ; Austin, M.J. 2004 Book Chapter
Promoting Self-Sufficiency through Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) Svihula, J. ; Austin, M.J. Book Chapter
The Guaranteed Ride Home Program: Transportation Services for Welfare-to-Work Participants Schmidt, C.M. ; Austin, M.J. 2016 Book Chapter
The Leadership Challenges in Transforming a Public Human Services Agency Borland, M. 2016 Report
CARE-India (1950-2009) Srivastava, L. 2010 Report
Outcomes-Based Delivery of Child Welfare Programs Goldberg, S. ; D'andrade, A. ; Kramer, K. ; Buddenhagen, P. 1998 Report
Receiving Centers and Informal Emergency Assessment Settings in Child Welfare: Child, Family, Service and Placement Characteristics Choice, P. ; Diechert, K. ; Legry, C. ; Austin, M.J. 2000 Report
Association for Family Well-Being (Asociacion Pro-Bienestar de la Familia): A Pioneering Guatemalan NGO (1964-2009) Orlando, J. 2010 Report
Leading and Managing Nonprofit Organizations: Mapping the Knowledge Base of Nonprofit Management in the Human Services Schwartz, S.L. ; Austin, M.J. 2008 Report
Social Welfare at a Crossroads Bay Area Social Services Consortium 1997 Report
A Review of Managed Care as a Tool for Child Welfare Reform Embry, R. ; Buddenhagen, P. ; Goldberg, S. ; DuBrow, A. ; Bolles, S. ; Kramer, K. 1998 Report
Factors Associated with Family Reunification Outcomes Berrick, J.D. ; Brodowski, M. ; Frame, L. ; Goldberg, S. 1997 Report
Overview: The Context of Child Welfare Performance Measures Carnochan, S.; Samples, M. ; Lawson, J. ; Austin, M.J. 2010 Report
Revisiting the Poverty Reduction Policy Literature in the U.S.: 1996-2008 Vu, C. ; Austin, M.J. 2008 Report
ATD Fourth World: A Pioneering NGO Working All Together in Dignity (Mid 1950's-2009) Thompson, J. 2010 Report