Welfare Reform

Researchers & Policy Analysts

The Mack Center and BASSC have an ongoing investment in analyzing current public policies, seeking alternatives, and deriving lessons learned from public policy implementation. Most of the policy analyses and policy implementation case studies and reports are in three primary service delivery areas: child welfare, adult and aging, and welfare to work. This policy work includes materials designed for non-academic audiences.

BASSC Policy Groups

The BASSC agency members have established three policy groups related to core services (child welfare, adult and aging, and welfare to work)...

Social Welfare at a Crossroads

Bay Area Social Services Consortium

No abstract is available for this publication.

Managing Out The Community Practice Dimensions of Effective Agency Management

Austin, M.J.

With the advent of welfare reform and managed care, the nature of managerial practice has increasingly shifted from a primary focus on internal operations to a more external, community focus which involves actively monitoring and managing the boundary between the external environment and internal organizational arrangements. This article explores the boundary spanning aspects of community practice, the related theories of inter-organizational relations, and the process of “managing out” by those in top management and middle management positions in human service organizations.

Fostering Neighborhood Involvement in Workforce Development

Svihula, J.
Austin, M.J.
One of the challenges in welfare reform implementation is to provide neighborhood outreach and assistance to unemployed individuals. This case study tells the story of three neighborhoods as they implemented a public-private neighborhood jobs pilot initiative (NJPI). The Rockefeller Foundation, in partnership with Alameda County Social Services Agency, supplied seed money for the NJPI to develop “one-stop” employment resource centers. The article describes how the neighborhoods implemented the NJPI, as well as common strengths and challenges, and lessons learned from the NJPI experience.

Neighborhood Self-Sufficiency Centers

Schmidt, C.M.
Austin, M.J.

No abstract is available for this publication.