Our most recent work in this area involves a study of Family Stabilization services provided by the CalWORKs program. The first phase of the project documented implementation decisions in eleven county agencies related to service delivery models, staff development, and integration with existing services. Subsequent analyses examined client and worker perspectives on Family Stabilization services.
The Mack Center and BASSC also collaborated on a four-county study of subsidized employment programs implemented in BASSC agencies under the TANF-EF program. Study findings indicated that client, staff and employer responses to the programs were very positive, providing support for decisions to continue subsidized employment programs despite the expiration of federal funding for the TANF-EF program in September, 2010. The survey identified effective employer engagement strategies, and highlighted employer perspectives on employee soft skills.
Earlier projects examining welfare to work services and populations have studied the experiences of clients and staff in county CalWORKs programs and documented innovative programs and practices emerging out of welfare reform.