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Journal Articles

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Recent Publications

Title Author Yearsort descending Publication type
The Use of Key Indicators as a Foundation for Knowledge Management: The Experiences of Monterey County's Social and Employment Services Department Lindberg, A. ; Austin, M.J. 2012 Journal Article
Learning from Staff to Share Knowledge and Inform Decision-Making: The Contra Costa County Experience Winship, K. ; Austin, M.J. 2012 Report
A Senior Manager with a Knowledge Management Portfolio: The Santa Clara County Experience Lindberg, A. ; Austin, M.J. 2012 Journal Article
Linking an Agency Strategic Review to Increase Knowledge Management: San Francisco County Human Service Agency Harrison, L. ; Austin, M.J. 2012 Report
Transforming Data Into Action: The Sonoma County Human Services Department Harrison, L. ; Austin, M.J. 2012 Journal Article
Leadership Succession Planning: Implications for Nonprofit Human Service Organizations Gothard, S. ; Austin, M.J. 2012 Journal Article
Community and NGO Capacity in International Development Work: Towards a Model of Balance Samples, M. 2013 Working Paper
Integrating Local Government Services for Children in England: A Policy Implementation Case Study and Analysis Thompson, J. ; White, L. ; Carnochan, S.; Austin, M.J. 2013 Working Paper
Achieving Placement Stability Carnochan, S.; Moore, M. ; Austin, M.J. 2013 Journal Article
Preventing Re-entry to Foster Care Carnochan, S.; Rizik-Baer, D. ; Lawson, J. ; Austin, M.J. 2013 Journal Article
Achieving Timely Adoption Carnochan, S.; Moore, M. ; Austin, M.J. 2013 Journal Article
Preventing the Recurrence of Maltreatment Carnochan, S.; Rizik-Baer, D. ; Austin, M.J. 2013 Journal Article
Achieving Timely Reunification Carnochan, S.; Lee, C.; Austin, M.J. 2013 Journal Article
Using Performance Measures to Manage Child Welfare Outcomes: Local Strategies and Decision-Making Samples, M. ; Carnochan, S.; Austin, M.J. 2013 Journal Article
Achieving Exits to Permanency for Children in Long-term Care Carnochan, S.; Lee, C.; Austin, M.J. 2013 Journal Article
Introducing Organizational Development (OD) Practices in a County Human Services Agency DuBrow, A. ; Wocher, D. ; Austin, M.J. 2013 Journal Article
Performance Measurement Challenges in Nonprofit Human Service Organizations Carnochan, S.; Samples, M. ; Myers, M. ; Austin, M.J. 2013 Journal Article
Employer Perspectives on the Role of Soft Skills in Subsidized Employment Relationships Carnochan, S.; Taylor, S. ; Pascual, G. ; Austin, M.J. 2014 Journal Article
The Organizational Context of Research-Minded Practitioners: Challenges and Opportunities McBeath, B.; Austin, M.J. 2014 Journal Article
Community Organizing and Service Delivery during an Economic Crisis: The Role of a Jewish International NGO in Argentina, 2001-2009 Murtaza, N. ; Austin, M.J. 2015 Journal Article