Increasing caseloads in die area of financial abuse prompted Santa Clara County Department of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) to develop a Financial Abuse Specialist Team (FAST) in May 1999 to provide an efficient system for investigating and acting on reports of financial abuse in Santa Clara County. The primary members of the team include staff from Adult Protective Services, the Public Administrator/Guardian's Office, the offices of the County Counsel, the officeof the District Attorney as well as other staff from within the Department of Adult and Aging Services. This is a case study of FAST as a rapid-response system providing immediate intervention in cases of financial abuse against elders, and provides the community with both a deterrent to prevent future incidence offinancial abuse and the ability to move quickly to prevent losses by creating a seamless system of collaboration. It concludes with a discussion of lessons learned.
Publication date:
October 12, 2008
Publication type:
Journal Article