Case-based Learning: Educating Future Human Service Managers.


Using teaching cases in professional education programs has gained increased attention in the past several decades. While the use of teaching cases has been an important part of social work education, the majority of current casebooks focus on micro or direct practice issues and settings. Over the past forty years only four major casebooks have focused exclusively on the macro practice of social work. This analysis of case-based learning is divided into the following components: 1) the search for practice wisdom emerging from analyzing cases within the context of management knowledge and skills, 2) case discussion in the classroom, including student and instructor preparation, case selection and integration into the course, case debriefing, student-designed cases, and conceptual frameworks for teaching management, 3) a conclusion that identifies the benefits and limitations of case-based learning.

Austin, M.J.
Packard, T.
Publication date: 
April 3, 2009
Publication type: 
Journal Article